Russian-Olive, Silver-Berry (Elaeagnus)

Russian-Olive, Silver-Berry Genus Details

The russian olive tree grows to 20 feet tall. It has leaves 1 1/2 inches long and 3/4 inches wide. Leaves are lance shaped, dull gray-green and silvery underneath. The bark is gray-brown and sheds in long strips. Flowers are 3/8 inch long, bellshaped, yellow inside, fragrant and appear in late spring to early summer. Fruit is 3/8 to 1/2 inch long with yellow-brown berries produced. Russian olives prefer moist soils and are native to south Europe and Asia. The fruit is consumed by song birds, pheasants and quail. The tree is tolerant of cold, drought and air pollution. It is a fairly popular ornamental tree.
Russian-Olive, Silver-Berry Allergy Info

Large amounts of pollen are shed in the early summer when the yellow flowers are in bloom. Some allergenicity has been reported, although not in great volume.
Russian-Olive, Silver-Berry Pollen Description

Elaeagnus grains are oblate; the amb triangular with convex sides and 3-colporate. The colpi are short and the ora lalongare. The sexine is thickened at the apertures.
The pollen grains are 24-30 x 40-44 micrometers in size.
Species in This Genus

Allergenicity Legend:
Mild Allergen |
Moderate Allergen |
Severe Allergen |
Allergy Test Available

Russian-Olive, Silver-Berry (Elaeagnus) is a genus of the ELAEAGNACEAE family.
This genus includes the following allergenic species:
This genus includes the following allergenic species: